B (a.k.a. Ron Bramhall)
...Ronnie B shoots
a diverse assortment of projects. In fact, one might think that the mix
is totally random...but there is a method to his madness !

...the original interest was abandoned
derelict cars and trucks...true Americana...great stories from the past
...well, one thing always
leads to another, and Americana turned into Automotive photography for
national and international magazines... plus assorted projects for a
famous classic car collector (you can figure this out if you try !)...
...needless to say his automotive photography has been published
worldwide... making him one of those most famous persons that no one
knows !!! ...and yes, he always carries his American
Express Card...
...other areas developed, Architecture Construction, Animal
Stock Show Events, Competitions and the latest interest... People !
...including things like Authors, Seniors, Corporate, Glamour,
Pageantry and the occasional wedding...
...keep him in mind for your next will be interesting !!!
The Process
B shoots the latest DSLR's from Sony including the 24mp A900. Part of
the Sony advantage is of course the largest sensor in the DSLR industry
and Sony's captivating ability to shoot multiple wireless strobes on
the fly. This is great for events, people, interiors and of course
twilight automotive photography...the next quest !